
If you are looking for a low-impact, full-body, efficient workout that is both fun and comfortable, go for ElliptiGo Bike. These elliptical bikes have attracted runners and fitness enthusiasts across the board. An ElliptiGO is a combo of a light elliptical on wheels supplemented with handlebars and modifications that mimic the running motion.  These are designed to facilitate the cross-training option for runners. 

At Gyms To Go, you’ll find various models of ElliptiGo bikes ideal for outdoor exercise as well as indoor experience at affordable rates. We take pride in our products’ quality and ensure our customers the best deals. 

Why Choose Elliptical Bikes over Running and Cycling?

ElliptiGO fitness bikes provide time-efficient workouts like running. However, unlike running, elliptical exercise bikes deliver a full-body workout. 

These bikes have been shown to burn 33% more calories than traditional cycles. In addition, as these are stand-up bikes, you don’t have to deal with the pain associated with the seat, back, and wrist. You can enjoy the outdoor exercise with these bikes, or you can have an indoor stationary elliptical trainer and not miss a beat. 

Benefits of Elliptical Bike

  • Comfortable Riding Position

ElliptiGO bikes provide a steady and stable ride because of the elongated elliptical path and fully supported foot platforms.

    • Cardiovascular Benefits
      You can get an efficient workout with the ElliptiGO bike in less time. The vertical riding position can help your cardiovascular system build a more efficient blood pumping engine. 
    • Improved Muscle Activity
      These bikes can effectively stimulate the muscles of your legs, glutes, and core. 
    • Safe Riding
      The upright position while riding ElliptiGO bikes helps ride safely along busy or congested roads. 
  • Good Ergonomics
    While riding a bicycle, you may feel the ache in your back or have a sore saddle. The elliptical bikes maintain a neutral neck, hips, posture, and back posture. 

How Fast Can ElliptiGO Bikes Go?

These stand-up bikes have a cruising speed of about 15 miles per hour. If you are strong enough, you can comfortably reach 20 miles per hour. 

It’s always better to try a bike before you buy. We offer free test rides, so why not give it a GO? You might just surprise yourself. Click here to find a dealer near you.
